Job Description:
We are looking for a VP of Security & Operations who will be responsible for all security auditing and testing. We are looking for an experienced and motivated professional to facilitate growth within each team-member, ultimately leading each team to greater heights. Our ideal candidate will have experience working at either a cyber security reseller or other IT reseller and/or a managed service provider.

Core Responsibilities:

• Lead security audit team, provide security assessments, network audits, penetration tests and social engineering tests.
• Act as head of Incident Response team on various client engagements ranging from email breaches to ransomware.
• Help develop incident response plans based on a variety of security incidents.
• Create highly detailed reports, as well as executive overviews, for client assessments and security testing.
• Assist with building of cybersecurity programs.
• Consult with clients on regulation requirements, including HIPAA, NIST, and SOC-2.
• Design & developed client offerings ranging from managed support services to security audits.
• Institute HIPAA and NIST compliance standards into auditing process.
• Lead firewall training courses.
Desired Skills/Experience:

• 4+ Years Experience in a VP of Security & Operarions or similar role
• Exceptional Verbal and Written Communication Skills
• Experience Working with IT Networking, Software, and Hardware Manufacturers
• Experience in Managed Services or Managed Security Services

Why is This a Great Opportunity?
Growing company, benefits, growth opportunity!


Please note this job does not provide sponsorship.

To apply for this job email your details to

Job Seeker Services

MEO Staffing presents itself ​to potential employers ​as a diversity ​staffing service. Companies retain our services because we ​specialize in ​working​ with people with disabilities and other challenges​. At MEO Staffing, we follow the guidelines of Americans with ​​Disabilities​ Act (ADA) and will not ​directly ​ask you what ​is ​your disability or challenge​.​ However, ​we will ask you what type of accommodations you anticipate needing in the workplace and encourage you to self-disclose to our staff. It allows the job placement specialist to understand your current challenges so that we can ​match you to a suitable job ​where your disability (or other challenge) will not interfere with your ability to work or perform the essential functions of the job.  

Employers who source through MEO Staffing may be eligible for tax credits because you have challenges. If hired, we will assist them, when available with the WOTC tax credit paperwork.   MEO Staffing will not discuss ​details of ​your disability​ to the prospective employer; only what accommodations you might need.  ​For example, MEO Staffing may disc​lose to ​the employer ​that ​you need a wheelchair entrance​ and accessible bathroom or that you cannot climb stairs.  With many of our work from home jobs, workers can easily accommodate themselves; for example, standing and stretching every hour to prevent back pain is a type of accomodation that employers do not necessarily need to know about.  

We want to make sure that you understand that we are not able to force employers to accommodate an employee beyond the essential job functions of your position and that not every employment opportunity will be a good fit for you.  MEO Staffing will do our best to ensure that you have the skills and abilities for the job so both you and your employer will enjoy the success of the program. ​​We look forward to working with you and helping you find suitable employment.